In the midst of the pandemic that has become our new "normal" these past two months, we have experienced circumstances that none of us could have ever anticipated. While initially our focus may have been on our physical needs and physical health, the days became weeks and the weeks became months. We were confined to our homes. Our jobs may have changed-or ended. Isolation to prevent exposure separated us not just physically, but socially, emotionally, and spiritually from people in our lives we were used to seeing on a regular basis. Days on end together at home may have also brought on stress and strife within our immediate families, as our home became school, work, church, etc. So how are you doing in taking care of the health of your whole person-physical, mental, spiritual, social-and those in your family? How can you help yourself and those you love stay healthy in all ways? The CDC recommends that we take breaks from the news and social media, eat a balanced diet, get regular exercise, take time to do things around home that bring joy, relax and connect with those we love. As a child of God, may I recommend all of those but also that you spend time with God in His Word, in prayer, and in worship. Turn off the news and turn on worship music that speaks to your mind, your heart and your soul. And don't be afraid to reach out to an important person in your life if you find that you are seeing changes in your daily life-sleep disturbances, worsening chronic health concerns, increasing fear and anxiety, or increasing depression and isolation. You are not alone!
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