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Get Involved

There are many ways that YOU can be involved in Christ Cares Ministries' ministries.

  • We always need willing and joyful volunteers at Christ Cares for Kids, during our open hours on Monday and Wednesday, but also at other times to help with cleaning, organizing, and getting donations and supplies ready for the days that we are open.

  • You can take a Mental Health First Aid course or invite us to your school, church, or place of work to teach a class. If you or someone in your life has or is journeying through cancer or is a caregiver, you can encourage them to reach out for support and encouragement through the facilitated support groups we offer.

  • Most importantly, you can pray for the ministries here, the many volunteers who serve, and the donors who support these ministries.

Here are some ways you can donate:


Send a check to

4018 N 40th St.

Phoenix, AZ 85018


Make a tax deductible donation‏.

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